HUD / VASH Program is a program from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to help veterans facing homelessness and their families find and sustain permanent housing under the Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher (HCV).
The HUD / VASH program works as a rental subsidy that allows veterans to pay a reasonable amount of their income toward their rent. Think of Section 8 for veterans. Eligible veterans will receive a voucher to begin searching for housing. Generally, veterans will pay no more than 40 percent of their adjusted monthly income toward their rent share.
The VA pays the remaining amount to the owner on the veteran's behalf. HUD/VASH participants must comply with all program requirements, including completing their annual certification, accommodating Housing Quality Standards inspections, allowing property owners to make any needed repairs, and adhering to the terms of their lease. VA case managers connect these veterans with additional support services. Go to page...